Margaret River Roller Derby

Margaret River Roller Derby established in March 2010.

We are passionate about Roller Derby!

Margaret River Roller Derby Fresh Meat Intake 2014 -

Next intake date TBA

Requirements: Safety is sexy!! MRRDerby insists protective gear be worn. This being helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and mouth guard.
Also required a water bottle, comfortable, flexible clothing and a pair of Quad skates. Now you’re ready to go…make sure you have a basic level of fitness and skating….no.. you don’t have to skate backwards or even do cross overs (we’ll help you get to this stage!!) but you do need to be able to stand up on skates and move in a forward motion.. If you are not up to this stage, but are still keen to join, please contact us.

Fresh Meat training will be held weekly at the below location, time and cost. Once you have found the ‘Derby Love’, and your skill proceeds to a level of ‘safe’ derby skills (this is for you, as much as it is for us!) you will be asked to join additional training with the MRRDerby League.

We understand that everyone has ‘hats’ to juggle, we on the team are the same. Some weeks you may only be able to attend 1 session, other weeks you may be lucky to be able to train every session. As long as you are committed and attend training on a regular basis, you will be great!

You can attend 3 consecutive training sessions to become ‘addicted’ to Roller Derby, after this time an annual membership fee of $50.00 to ‘MRRDerby’ and $25 insurance to ‘Skate WA’ is payable.

Male/Female Referees: Guy’s we don’t want to leave you out. We need referee’s, or in derby, you are our ‘can’t do without ‘Zebra’s’. You also need your safety gear, but you can skate with quads or blades.

Lastly, if you not sure Roller Derby is for you, contact us here and we will try to answer your queries. Also ‘Google’ it..

It is a sport, it will get you fit, you will love it and it is fun…..

Bumps and Bruises to all you Freshies.. We hope to see you soon!!

Derby Training:
Venue: Margaret River Recreational Centre, Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River.
Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm - Freash Meat
6:30 - 8:30pm - Levels 1, 2 & 3
Date: Thursdays
Cost: $10 per training session

Sports league